Hi Loves! It has been a month since my last blog post, but I really needed a vacation. These photos are from a couple of weeks ago, but I was just too busy to post them. Looking forward to a fun summer with my son who is on summer vacation at the end of the week. The weather has been very strange lately. Dark, cloudy and overcast with no hint of the sun until well into the day. Yellow always makes me think of springtime and it is definitely one of my happy colors.
Blazer: Chadwicks, White T-shirt:: H&M, Jeans: Macys, Purse: Vintage Ralph Lauren,Shoes: BCBG Paris
I love jewelry and I think the silver is a great accent against yellow
You all know about my animal print obsession
I am so excited about summer. Lots of great things happening!
Have an amazing week!

We all need a break now and then. I hope you enjoyed yours! I love the blazer! It looks great with the leopard heels!
Love the yellow. And breaks are definitely necessary.
Beautiful Look. I like your shoes.
Xoxo Nissi
I like it!
Great blazer, the color is beautiful on you.
Great to see you again, LV:) And that yellow blazer does look amazing on you!
You look amazing!
It can be difficult at times to try and fit it all in. The yellow looks great on you. Yellow is also my favorite color.
Great look!!!!
I understand needing the breaks, I have taken quit a few from blogging some planned others not, but it is needed. I'm back at it now, but never know when I will need to take another one, lol!!!!
Love the jacket!
Bisous from France,
*-* Sand *-*
This is such a classy look. I love the yellow, and it looks good on you!
You surely put the gloom out of June - love the yellow on you LV!
The shoes are WOW :)
Bisous from France,
*-* Sand. *-*
Pembangunan istana diawali di tahun 1645 atas perintah Dalai Lama kelima. Dalai Lama kelima namanya Lozang Gyatso, pimpinan religius Buddha Tibet ini memilih untuk membuat istana karena posisinya yang unik.
Posisi itu dipandang prima untuk dipakai sebagai pusat pemerintah, karena posisinya yang ada pas antara biara Drepung, https://pesona-wisata.com/ Sera, dan kota Lhasa.
Dalam bangunan Istana Potala ada stupa Dalai Lama kelima dengan tinggi 14,85 mtr., yang dilapis dengan 3.721 kg emas, dan permata menghias stupa, seperti mutiara, koral, amber, dan batu akik. Stupa Dalai Lama kelima ialah stupa yang paling eksklusif dan paling bernilai.
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