Life is full of curve balls, failures and unexpected situations. Things come as a shock to us, but noting is a surprise to God. The path that God has chosen is often so much better than anything we would have chosen for ourselves. God is the architect of our life and what he creates is always AMAZING.
In life we are usually in a trial or we just came out of one, but through it all God is always there. Faith is Heaven's currency and trust is critical even when what happens around us does not make sense. If God can create a blanket of stars across a black sheeted sky, yes, he can certainly take care of you.

"God is the architect of our life and what he creates is always AMAZING."
I love this statement. It speaks volumes. Have an awesome week, and thanks for sharing such a beautiful!
Nice post!!!
Have a good week!! and my g+ for you!!!:)))
Besos, desde España, Marcela♥
This was a great post! I really needed a pick me up today and that is exactly what I got. Thank you for sharing this post.
Hey girl, lets stay in touch!!!
See you soon!
YESSSS! Don't dwell on negativity and have faith it will all work out regardless! Great to start off Monday like this!
xo, N
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