Are you a cupcake or sweet fanatic like me? I know sugar is bad for me, but I really like it. You too? Great! we can be good friends:-) I had cupcakes at the original Magnolia Bakery in New York and fell in love, so I couldn't wait to try the Los Angeles location. My expectations were pretty high since I had already experienced the original location in Manhattan.
My son and I celebrated Valentines Day by having some treats at Magnolia Bakery and as much as I wanted to love the cupcakes I didn't. They were just ok to me, but you know what I would go back for?
The banana pudding.
Just so you understand, I don't like bananas. They might find their way into my mouth through a smoothie or in banana bread or muffins, but you will never see me peel a banana and eat it. But this banana pudding was light, fluffy and delicious. I just might learn to like bananas after eating this.
My son makes every day amazing! So fun to celebrate Valentines Day with him:-)
Ready to sink my teeth into some chocolate
This did satisfy my chocolate fix, but you could put chocolate on a pencil and I would probably eat it
little fingers about to dip into frosting
My little guy is pretty excited about his cupcake
He is even more thrilled with his ring
Okay, so the cupcakes didn't do it for me, but look at all this other stuff
How you doin?
Lots of cakes to choose from and most are also sold by the slice
It is pretty cute in here
So much to choose from
Yes, I know they look good...
full of smiles. I love it!
We got these cute cupcakes. Mini me is not crazy about chocolate. Imagine that...
When you come to Magnolia Bakery, put your money on the Banana pudding
A brief moment of silence
This stuff right here
Doesn't this look good?
And of course I had to bring some home where I could be a pig in private. I'm funny that way
Great spot to have a cup of coffee and a a sweet treat and very kid friendly. Parking can be a challenge, but there are plenty of meters and street parking if you don't mind a short walk and after eating all those treats, you will probably need to walk:-)
Magnolia Bakery
8389 West 3rd Street
Los Angeles, CA 90048

Too bad you didn't like the cupcakes too much, LV, but ohmygosh! That pudding....I die!
Sorry the cupcakes didn't work out. Banana pudding is never something I'd think to buy, but your photos show all kinds of incredible texture-y goodness. I giggled at you wanting to bring it home to eat in solitude. I would totally do the same!!
Now this making me miss a Magnolia cupcake!
Aww you and your son are adorable :D
Glad you had an amazing day topped off by delicious beyond delicious cupcakes :)
Choc Chip Uru
There no better way to spend your V day than with your little man! The cupcakes look yummy.. reminds me that I haven't bake the red velvet cuppies for a while now. Hmmm.... ;P
Thanks for dropping by my recipe page :)
Mrs Jack Of All Trades
Dubai UAE
Yeah, I find most of the store bought cupcakes to be too sweet. Those are lovely pictures of you and your son...he looks like a cutie. :)
Oooh that's right down the street from me!!! Yayyyyy they finally opened up one around here! I'm with ya mama, I'm ALLLLLL about the sweets! Everything in moderation right? ;D
Thank you for visiting and hope to see you back for my latest lovey!
Peace. Love. LOL!
Haute Khuuture Blog
Water came to my mouth... Everything looks delicious. A good thing this bakery is an ocean away... I am having trouble keeping my weight as it is.
Lovely son you have. I did not think you were a mom. (Just because I only looked at you from a stylish and fashionable point of view...LOL). Nine years old I gather from his T-shirt.
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