Happy Thursday loves. I am feeling a little sad and uninspired today, so I thought I would post a word of encouragement to myself and to you. Sometimes in the pursuit of my dreams, I get a little down if they are not happening fast enough, but one thing I know about God is that his timing is not my timing and his ways are not my ways. Each day that I take a breath is a gift and sometimes I take that for granted. So today, instead of complaining, I choose to say thank you to the one that never leaves or forsakes me. Thank you God for being so amazing:-) Thank you for the power of dreams and visions.
Are your dreams so big that sometimes they scare you?

Love this, and I pray your day gets better. We all have these type of days, but kudos to you for giving praise still!
Wow. I just did a post similar to this. I pray you feel better soon. God's plans are always better. Don't be in a rush, take your time and let God lead you! :)
I'm so sorry LV. I am not a religious person, but I do believe that everything happens for a reason and at the right time. I am sending good vibes your way for sure! We all have days like this. If you need anyone to talk to, you can always email me.
Thanks for always having us your followers in mind, God will always make our dreams come true and it might take a while but keep the faith and work hard and it will happen! <3
I am following, You can follow me back if you want via GFC at http://allofthatgoodstuff.blogspot.ca/
Aw, what a lovely quote. Sorry that you're feeling down, but to be honest, I totally understand what you mean about your dreams being so big that they're daunting. You know what though? That's a good thing! That means that you're aiming high, and pushing yourself. Hope you feel better soon!
I was feeling the same way last week. I'm learning to be patient and wait on God. He may not come when we want Him, but He'll there right on time!
Amen, LV. I think we all get those days sometimes.
And I think if we don't dream big enough, then what's the point?:)
Amen Amen I hope your day gets better!!
I have no patience when it comes to things happening but as each day goes by I am learning to take one step at a time and be thankful for what I already have
I've achieved most of my dreams, the big ones and found they were not full of the hope and promise I had envisioned. Now I have simple dreams, simple hopes and love my life much more. Like you, I try to be grateful for whatever I can do. When I couldn't walk for a time, believe me, my gratitude was on the simple things like walking. God bless and keep you strong and give you the vision to reach your goals. Hugs. xx
Praying that your spirits are lifted and hoping for a better tomorrow! Thanks for the encouraging words :)
I needed this message. I've been trying to work on my patience. Thanks for the encouraging words!
Amen and Amen!
this negative/ get me down spirit has been in the water this week but we shall overcome it with our praise!
we keep on keeping on, we gonna make it! #victoryDance
Yes, it definitely must be in the water, because I too have had my moments. Penning a prayer, I couldn't even speak to pray it. But you know what, id did gain me some restoration. So I was thankful to God for "reading" and for all that he does! He's amazing!! Here's to comfort, optimism and blessings!
Great post
Great post and right on time for me!!
At times I think that my dreams are beyond my ability and may not come true especially when nothing is happening. Like with my baking/dessert business. I love to bake and decorate desserts, but business has been no existent for about 2 months it that hurts and has me frustrated. Yet I still have a desire to do it full time and have my own bakery/shop. I know God hasn't placed the desire in my heart to not bring it to past. I just have to get back up and build up my portfolio (even if it's practice desserts) and keep putting my business out there and allow God to work it out and bring it to past in His timing!!
Carsedra of:
I think many of us feel like this sometimes. Most don't share that they do. Just last week or this week, I wrote about something similar on my personal blog.
My dreams don't scare me, they just seem like they're impossible at times. But like you said it's not our timing it's HIS. I'm often reminded of this by HIM.
Been following your blog for months now it was good chatting with you & the rest of the BLMGirls
This isa a great post! One of my dreams is to have my own clothing line Yes, it's a bit scary...considering the fact that I have no formal fashion training beyond working retail. But God is able. (^_^)
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