When I go to any type of Asian restaurant, whether it is Chinese, Thai or any of the other Pacific Rim cuisines, one of my favorite appetizers to order is fried Wontons. I was cooking some collard greens and then my mad scientist radar went off and I wondered how collard green Won Tons would taste. I thought it would be a great fusion of flavors to combine Asian and soul food together to come up with...."Tah Dah!" Collard Green Won Tons! I know it sounds like a crazy concoction, but they are DELICIOUS!!!!! The crunchy wontons and the sweet n spicy dipping sauce is absolutely addictive.
Put a teaspoon of collard green mixture on wonton skin.
Seal the wontons to form a triangle
This is what the finished wontons look like. Don't they look yummy?
The dipping sauce really puts this delicious wonton over-the-top
Look at the delicious greens on the inside...
Are you ready to make these? Lets Go!
- 1 large smoked turkey wing
- 1 tablespoon seasoning salt
- 1 teaspoon pepper
- 1 tablespoon Red Rooster hot sauce (or any spicy full bodied hot sauce)
- 1/2 large bunch collard greens
- ¼ cup chopped onion
- 1 (8-ounce) package cream cheese, softened
- Wonton wrappers as needed
- 1 tablespoon crushed red pepper flakes
- 1 8 oz package Softened cream cheese
- Canola oil or peanut oil for frying
Put red pepper flakes and cream cheese aside. Add all other seasonings and smoked turkey wing to 8 cups of water. Bring to a boil and reduce to medium low and cook for 1 hour.
Add washed and chopped greens to water after 1 hour and cook the greens an additional hour. Cook on medium low for 1 hour. Taste and adjust seasoning if needed.
Drain liquid from greens and put in a bowl. Mix the softened cream cheese and red pepper flakes into greens. You can keep this completely vegetarian, or you can chop some of the turkey from the smoked turkey wing and add it to the mixture. Either way is absolutely delicious!
To assemble the wontons:
Put a spoonful of the greens mixture in the center of wonton skin and fold into a triangle. Heat several inches of oil in a pot to 350 degrees. Fry Wontons in batches for 2-3 minutes until golden brown.
Serve immediately with Sweet Thai chili dipping sauce. This is best served right away when piping hot and crispy! If you have any leftover mixture, you can freeze in an airtight container for a few months.
Sweet Thai Chili Dipping Sauce
1 tablespoon Thai Chili Paste (you can find this in the Asian section of your local grocery store)
1 teaspoon minced garlic
1/2 cup rice wine vinegar
2/3 cup sugar
1 teaspoon salt
4 teaspoons cornstarch
Combine all ingredients in a small saucepan and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer 5 minutes. Let mixture cool before serving.

Wow. Looks scrumptious. I need to try this. Haven't had wonton in a long time.
I would so try this.
Where to you buy the wonton wraps?
Regina, you can get them in the grocery store in the refrigerated produce section. They usually have the wonton wrappers in that part of the store. You will love these.They are so good!
I love wontons!! They look so crazy awesome. I am totally in the mood for some now.
Twitter: @GlamKitten88
mmmm! wanted
So good! I tried these at a friends house and I am in love with them!
Wow! Those are absolutely incredible! They are a perfect mixture of Asian and Southern with a dash of holy-cow-can-I-have-some-more! Really, really creative and your photos are stellar! Thanks for sharing this one....it's amazing!
You don't know how much I like won tons! Great receipe! I 'll try it for sure!
Looks deeelish...great recipe!
Oh this is sooo cool. I'm gonna try this too!!!
I tried wonton at china town. This is really good specially with hot noodles! (: nice post!
Sign me up! I like the way your brain works. I remember having a similar moment with some shredded BBQ chicken a few years back :)
oh wow, they look so yummy!
ohh yum that looks delicious!!
It looks delicious!
How brilliants is this fusion of Asian and Southern food...the pics look so yummy!
Yes, please! These look amazingly good!
I love won tons. Definitely trying this one out. Thx gorgeous for sharing.
<3 Marina
The wonton look wonderful, but I especially appreciate the recipe for Thai chili sauce.I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary
So delicious!
Thanks for the recipe!
Looks delicious!!!
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That looks soooo good!
xo Jennifer
omg YUM! Im such a fan of wontons! UGH now you have me craving themmmmm
Not such a big fan of Wontons, but this looks good!
Not such a big fan of Wontons, but this looks good!
I am totally bookmarking this. What a great twist on this recipe. You may be a cooking genius!
That sounds really yummy!
OMG!!! That looks delicious...I must try..again, your profile picture is bangin..
Woooow it looks delicious! Gonna try this.;)
Mua and have a nice sunny day.:)
OMG sooooo yum! Wow... you've got me so hungry :)
love, polly
I wish I liked collard greens! haha
Shasie of Live Life in Style
wow!!look so delicious,Still I haven't try this at home,but have tasted outside...reason is i dont know where to buy wonton wraps...
Thanks a lot for linking with Midweek Fiesta...
These look tasty especially to a southern girl who can eat collard greens weekly. A fashionista and chef.
From the desk of M,the Imperial Dragon..........
The Bright Ladye of Xiaoln has graced us once again with such grace and charm. I look forward to having this dish at her next get together.
Great recipe!!
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