Food Fashion and Flow: They don't know...   

Sunday, February 21, 2016

They don't know...

Has anyone ever given you a compliment and an insult at the same time?
That's never happened to you? It's happened to me more times than I care to admit. When someone does this,  it is being what the Bible calls double minded. A compliment does not need to be wrapped in a thinly veiled insult. Someone recently gave me a compliment and then completely negated the compliment with a generous salt shake of negativity. 
That's what is known in slang as "low key shade"
I listened and pondered whether to curtly say thank you or rise above this present situation because it was abstract. 

Not Black.
Not White. 

It was a dingy shade of gray.
 Cloudy with a chance of rain. That is until I smiled. I carry the sunshine with me ya know:-)
God says I carry his spirit, so there will be no dark, dismal gray in my presence.
People are quick to put others in boxes and tie it up with a  bow.  More often than not, people are more comfortable looking at who you were, rather than who you are in this present time and space. When someone looks at you and only sees what you were and not who you are, they are handcuffing you to your past. If your present is not your past, no one has the right to try to take you back to a land God delivered you from. Do you know anything about that? I could have come up with something snarky to say, but I didn't.
So how did I handle it?
I used two little words that shut down any further communication.
Thank You.


Julie Khuu | Haute Khuuture said...

Love this mama! Low key shade lol...Been getting schooled on the reading game courtesy of Bravo's RHOA! hahah...Ppl like that just don't deserve anything other than a curt Thank you... Very classy ;D

Thank you for the visit, the entire blog’s been redesigned!
Would love to get your thoughts!

Xx- Julie

Haute Khuuture Blog

Kays Ways said...

Dope message! Loved this

Unknown said...

I love the compliment insult. It's the weirdest thing. Like why part your lips if you can't be totally positive. Ppl!
Jay of


Amazing message!!

xo xo

Emmylou said...

"Low key shade"...I didn't know that's what it's called. Thanks for this, LV. And good on you for taking the higher road:)

Atsuna Matsui said...

LOL this quote is soo good! Haha always need to push yourself to grow and improve as an individual in life.


The Bandwagon Chic said...

What a lovely thoughts
I think everyone should respect each individual.

The Bandwagon Chic | Instagram | Bloglovin | Snapchat: bandwagonchic

patranila said...

Thank you is a great way to handle it!

Unknown said...

I can't stand when people do that. I try my best to ignore them. I usually do like you did and say thank you cause I refuse to give them anymore attention than they deserve. I love how you handled the situation.

MONA C. said...

Great post. I love your insight. Great way to handle the situation.

Shantel Collins said...

People can be very shady!

Unknown said...

Way to rise above, and shine bright on that shade!

R1se Hluoluo said...

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Terkurung oleh tiga negara besar di sekitarnya, yakni Belgia, Jerman, dan Prancis. Luksemburg adalah salah satunya negara dengan tingkat ekonomi yang maju di dunia.

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