Food Fashion and Flow: Faith   

Thursday, March 6, 2014


L:ife is uncertain and full of curve balls. Things happen that are beyond are control and sometimes the only thing that gets you through is faith. It is hard to believe in things you can't see, but if you could see it then it wouldn't be faith. A close friend of mine has been in the hospital and it has been hard to accept her health problems, but sickness is a part of life. She is now recovering at home and doing better, so I know my prayers for her are reaching heaven.

Whatever you are going through. Have faith. All it takes is a mustard seed of faith. Have you seen how small a mustard seed is? It is so tiny that you can barely see it. If you can just muster up a tiny bit, it can move mountains.


Emmylou said...

A big AMEN, LV. Love this post.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the inspiration!

Covenant Grace said...

AMEN! And to God be the glory.

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