Food Fashion and Flow: May 2013   

Friday, May 31, 2013

Catalina Kitchen (LV's LA)

There is something amazing about Al Fresco ocean front dining. I enjoyed a great lunch at one of my favorite spots in Palos Verdes and had a healthy and indulgent lunch. The lunch was healthy until we added french fries and truffle mac n cheese, but it was the dessert that was unbelievably indulgent and worth every calorie. The Catalina Kitchen at the Terrenea Resort has built a reputation for having farm fresh ingredients and you can definitely taste the difference in every bite. My lunch of  grilled swordfish on brioche with pesto aioli with fries was quite tasty and my lunch companion and I also enjoyed fresh garden salad with the freshest salad greens and the sweetest juiciest tomatoes I have ever had in my life and then we had to go and add Truffle Mac n Cheese with Pancetta. AMAZING.

The best pesto aioli ever
 Extra avocado and tomato for the amazing grilled swordfish sandwich

This salad was so fresh and delicious

Salad and Crostini
 Truffle mac n cheese with Pancetta

Gratuitous cheese shot

This sourdough rye bread was amazing. I could have made a meal out of this and salad

chocolate chip cookie baked in cast iron skillet

Vanilla Bean Ice Cream...soooooo good

look at all this gooey chocolate. It was as good as it looks. Please believe me

If you wanna do it right, you have to add a nice scoop of ice cream

You would think I'd stop there right? But no. I had to try this caramel creme brulee cheesecake with blackberry sauce and it was damn good too

Okay two desserts. Couldn't help myself. Don't judge me

Doesn't this look sweet and juicy?

It was absolutely delicious, but I could not finish it. I really really really wanted to, but we were stuffed. We left relaxed, full and happy:-) If you want a nice relaxing ocean front dining experience, this is a must try.

Catalina Kitchen
6610 Palos Verdes Drive
Palos Verdes, CA

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Blue + Coral

Happy Wednesday! I had a great long holiday weekend and am just about done gorging on barbecue:-) I hope you had a great weekend and a great holiday. I have been whipping up some great stuff in the kitchen and trying to balance my love of eating with being healthy. 
That is not always easy, especially when I am exposed to amazing and often fattening food all the time, but the key is balance. 
I am enjoying these beautiful spring days and have been spending a lot of time outdoors just enjoying the sunshine and dining al fresco whenever possible:-) I am wearing some neutral colors with a hint of coral and blue. Coral is such a beautiful color and blue is a great accent. Do you have any coral in your wardrobe?

The perfect pair of nude shoes

Blazer: H&M, Coral Shirt:: Crush Boutique (old), Handbag: Sharif, Jeans: Burlington Coat Factory, Shoes: Specialty Boutique: Chain Necklace: F-21

I have an obsession with chain necklaces

do you like coral?

Have an amazing day!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Shrimp Stir Fry

 A stir fry is a great way to eat clean, healthy and low carb. I love this dish because it is so filling and flavorful that you don't need rice or noodles, but if you choose to have them, they are amazing with this dish. I want to address a question that comes up a lot in some of your private emails to me.

 "How on earth do you do so much indulgent eating and you are not as big as a house?" The short answer to this question is that on most days I eat very healthy, but allow myself a cheat day and sometimes two of treats where I go to a great restaurant or I cook or bake something sinful.  I also have a fitness regimen that I have been keeping up for years.  I think diets don't work unless you make it your lifestyle and I think it is much better to allow yourself a treat here and there and just balance it out with more days of healthy eating. That works out pretty well for me most of the time. 

Now back to the recipe:-)

This is chock full of shrimp and great veggies


1- 1 /2 pounds medium shrimp deveined
1/2 cup broccoli spears
1/2 cup baby carrots
1 medium onion cut into chunks or slices
1 scallion
1/4 cup chopped bell pepper or celery
1 Baby Bok Choy
1 pound Napa cabbage cut into 1 inch  pieces
1 clove garlic finely chopped
1 tablespoon finely chopped ginger 
2 tablespoons soy sauce
1 teaspoon rice wine vinegar
2 tablespoons Hoisin sauce
1/2 cup chicken broth
2 Tablespoons vegetable oil

Combine all liquid ingredients.Take a small amount of the marinade and toss shrimp just enough to lightly coat. Reserve the rest. Drain the shrimp and heat oil in a work or a large skillet over medium heat. When the oil is hot, stir fry the garlic, onions and ginger until translucent. Add the shrimp and stir fry until just about cooked through for around 2-3 minutes. Add the broccoli spears and baby carrots and cook for about 30 seconds, add the cabbage and Bok Choy and cook until wilted while slowly adding the liquid. Let simmer for about 2 minutes.

Bon Appetit!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Georgetown Cupcakes (LV's LA)

Don't you just love a good cupcake? I think I love them a little too much and I have the hips to prove it. Los Angeles has plenty of cupcakeries to choose from and Georgetown Cupcakes is definitely a cute spot to sit and have a cupcake and relax. Located in the heart of Beverly Hills, you can walk off the calories and get in a little retail therapy at some of the adjacent boutiques.

 The atmosphere is very  girly. How cute is this?

 Check out this blinged out cake mixer. CU-UTE

 Cupcakes with sprinkles always make me smile:-)
Cupcake Art
This cozy little spot by the window is perfect for people watching

So many to choose from
I really wanted to get every flavor, but that would be greedy of me. right?
The salted caramel was sold out, but I am definitely trying one next time.
When I made my decision on what to try, these key lime cupcakes and coconut were on my YES list. I enjoyed a chocolate cupcake here and then took some treats home.

 I devoured this before I walked out the door. They had me at chocolate. My friends and I have decided that regular cupcake runs are very necessary in our lives.

Cupcakes packed and ready to go

This coconut cupcake did not survive the drive home. It didn't stand a chance. And it was soooooo good. So rich and coconutty. If you like coconut, this is definitely one to try.

And of course, the perfect midnight snacks. Don't do this everyday if you want to keep your girlish figure, LOL. Definitely check out Georgetown Cupcakes. We all deserve a treat every now then:-)

Georgetown Cupcakes
143 South Robertson
Beverly Hills

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